Hubby turned 30 earlier this month, and a trip to Costa Rica was the first part to his celebration, or better yet his way to butter me up for what he really wanted – a huge party. Lol. So his party was themed Live at 30. We had awesome musicians set up a live band and boo was on keys (he’s amazzzing!.. No bias 😉 ) Then at some point we switched over to the Dj. Friends and family showed up to celebrate him and we all had a blast. I couldn’t have been happier to see how excited he was the whole time!


Now you know partys present a sweet challenge for anyone on a fitness journey. All that food staring you down and you trying to prove you’re in control. Haha. So I was impressed when I got through the night without a glitch. I had some food, water and a slice of cake and my calorie counts were in check so I was good.


Well, the house was now quiet and I found myself in the kitchen at 4am. I was trying to put some of the food away when I opened the fridge and saw like 50 of them screaming “Make your pick nowwww!!!!”. I tried to ignore all of them -Sir Sprite, Coca-Cola, Ms. Fanta, 7up and my very favorite… Dr. Pepper.

Geez, I had not had soda in forever and didn’t think I had missed it. I knew it was empty calories, too much sugar and that I would physically feel like crap after. But somehow as those thoughts ran through my head, my hand was reaching for the Dr. , I popped it open and ahhhhh pure satisfaction! Or so I had hoped for :-s It didn’t taste as awesome as I expected it to but I kept going anyway. I figured I had made it this far so might as well see it through. I drank about a quarter of it when I realized a quarter was better than a can. I stopped drinking, poured the rest out and my guilty conscience simmered. It was kind of nice since it wasn’t as intense as it would have been if I downed the whole can. Lol

can drinks

Umm, yeah.. They ended up in the trash 😀

The beauty of a bad decision is that you don’t have to commit to it and the sooner you turn it around, the better. Sometimes it’s a quarter can, other times it’s eating a smaller portion of food or eventually getting your workout in. Every decision counts, and every good decision is a bold step in the right direction. You can’t dwell on mistakes, instead, Live, learn and progress. Lifestyle change not crash diet! Let’s do this!





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2 thoughts on “LIVE AT 30!

  1. Eric

    Hey makkay!! I just stumbled upon your other blog ‘gyntimidation’ by chance and literally just went through all your other blogs. I really enjoy reading your blogs coz I can totally relate to them (I think/hope ) . I recently took place in a shirtless modeling thing for my unis Acs. So obviously I had to go on a diet and hit the gym more frequently in preparation for that . The gyming part was calm coz I absolutely love weights. But the dieting OMG! I need not say more. I’m done with the show now and I’m in the best shape of my life.(I’m sexy and I know it) lol..but I find myself going back to my old shitty diet and I’m really struggling to make it a ‘lifestyle’. That’s the next step for me. Was just wondering how you manage to maintain that discipline . Btw congrats to your husband on turning 30

    • Real_makkoy Post author

      Hello Eric, Your comment totally made my day:) Thanks so much for visiting Makkoy! I am glad that you are in fantastic shape and it is awesome that you love working out. That is half the battle won. My issue with dieting is that it always seems like a temporary fix and it is rarely sustainable. Instead what I always recommend is counting calories and learning your body. It is usually a hassle for starters then the hassle fades but what this allows you to do is have freedom to eat and learning your body allows you to make better choices. Check out this post to get a better picture. If you want to chat some more, please send me a message. Thanks again!


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