Why Makkoy??

I started the blog 3 weeks after I started my journey and at the beginning I weighed 155lbs. When I started, though I had never approached getting fit like this, I was sure I would gain weight. This had been the case in the pa…st so to avoid being discouraged, I decided I would not step on a scale.
I started with my food like I continue to advice. My fitness pal was my rock. I was doing the training sessions 2ce a week with my trainer. Then I started going for the walks, dancing, jogging and whatever I could incorporate from my training sessions.

6 weeks in, Ife must have used the scale because it was front and center staring at me as I walked in the bathroom. I kept walking past it for a few days determined not to step on it. By this point in my journey the compliments had started rolling in, my clothes were beginning to fit differently and my hubby was wowed :).

Eventually I gave in. Before I stepped on the scale I prepared my mind “its ok for you to have gained 5-10 pounds”. Based on my lack of knowledge I was going to blame the weight gain on building muscles. I stepped on the scale and I weighed 139lbs. What?!?! 16lbs! I almost felt guilty. It was too easy. Yes I really struggled initially but by this point it had gotten much easier to count my calories. My 2ce a week sessions were only 2ce a week and the workouts on my own were with no pressure.

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I looked up the ideal weight for someone my height and age and it was 140. So I didn’t want to lose any more weight. It was sweet to make such a decision. I adjusted the settings on my fitness pal which increased my calorie goal to maintain a 140lb weight. I became consistent at 140. This was when I realized the body is not that complicated. It really is as easy as it should be but it requires discipline. You just need to understand it.

I continue on this journey because I need to sustain it and some days are challenging. I also realize that I need to think about the nutrients my body is getting. I don’t just want to have the right weight on a scale, or the right look in person. Instead I want my body to have all the support it needs so as I get older it can continue to rip the benefits. Fitness is still the goal and a lifestyle change is still the means.

Whether you need to lose 200lbs or 5lbs as long as you understand your body, you can get there. If I lost 15lbs and have been able to maintain my ideal weight consistently, you definitely can! Don’t be discouraged or overwhelm yourself.

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