Breast Cancer- My moment of truth

Back in December, I was about to fall asleep when I felt a sharp pain in my left boob. Confused, I reached for it and felt a little bump. It hurt so bad but I was sure it was nothing. I woke up the next morning and it had turned from a little bump to a lump. My heart sunk as I immediately called to make an appointment with my OBGYN and went in.


My heart was racing as I waited to see her. I was trusting God that it would be something really simple. She checked it and went “Yup, I feel that. You need to get an ultrasound. Do you have any family history of breast cancer?” I told her not that I knew of then she continued “I’m going to give you an order and you need to go to a specialist”… Wait what?!?! I was bummed out. “So you can’t tell me what this is??”… She tried to tell me not to worry much about it but we all know that never really helps anything.

Monday couldn’t come fast enough. Finally, I was at the Breast Cancer Center. I was in a weird room on a hospital bed facing my moment of truth. “Wow, is this how it happens? Like how a life can change in an instant?” My thoughts just kept exploding as this lady was fondling my boob using the ultrasound machine to see what was going on.


Next up, this young guy walks in. I got distracted from my fears, wait, is this dude about to… uhh yup he is. Apparently he was the doctor. Suddenly, my fears were back. He did what he had to and said those sweet words “It is benign” … absolutely clueless I asked “what does that mean”. He went ahead to explain that it wasn’t cancerous and instead was a cyst that should go away on its own. Then he mentioned that if it was persistent, antibiotics would take care of it. My soul was excited “Thank you Jesus!”

As I got dressed, I reflected on the past few days and the fact that not everyone gets a simple answer. Don’t wait until it is too late. Too many people have saved their lives because of early detection. A great resource to learn more on breast cancer is Here. Health is wealth. Don’t wait until you are threatened to take care of your body. The time to do it is now. Lifestyle change not crash diet! Let’s do this!

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10 thoughts on “Breast Cancer- My moment of truth

  1. Gloria Ilariogun

    I went through this last July/August too, but even though my tumor was benign, it still had to be surgically removed. I know exactly how you felt– going from one place to another, and being fondled (lol) during the ultrasound, mammogram, biopsy, etc. The way life can change in an instant, being in that room with people who DO have breast cancer and thinking, “God, this can’t be my portion. This can’t be.” is SO scary. Thank God that your story has a happy ending!

    • Real_makkoy Post author

      Oh wow, surgically removed? I am so glad everything went well and that it was infact benign. I know exaclty what you mean with those thoughts and prayers. Its scary that just like that, life has the potential to mean something completely different. Thanks so much for visiting and sharing hun. Really appreciate it:D

    • Real_makkoy Post author

      So true! I’m glad it was just a scare for you as well. It’s amazing how much you appreciate your life after something like that. Thanks for visiting Angel


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