
My baby was a few months old and there was an event coming up so it was time to go shopping with one of my girlfriends. At the store I tried on an outfit and we both knew it was it. With a big smile on her face she said to me “This is perfect! All you need is the final piece that would shape it all in!” As she said the words, she motioned her hands to show a magic wand that would literally zap away any unneeded curves.


At this point I had never owned or used a girdle but when you have a baby, I guess things are a little different so I went with it. The day of the event came and boii was I looking good! I looked in the mirror and every angle was saying the right things. Ignore the fact that I could barely breathe or move. I was willing to put in the work since it looked so good. Lol

Hubby was blown away… He had no idea what I was working with. I had gone in the corner of my closet and done the gymnastics needed to get myself tied up in that thing. As we walked out the house I experienced my first disturbing moment as hubby put his arm around me “Holy SMOKES! Can he feel that??”  He didn’t seem to have a reaction, but with each step, all I could think of was “yup, he had to have felt that”

I got to the party and it just kept happening… every hug made me wonder what they felt and what they could be thinking. Then it went up a notch as the compliments started rolling in “Oh My God! Did you just have a baby?!?! You look AMAZING”, “Dannnnnngggggggg check you out!!!” My goodness, I felt like the biggest liar in the room. Ah ahn. Who sent me? Lmao.


I had been working out plus eating well and had in fact lost a lot of the weight. I figured the reaction would have been pretty similar even without the girdle so I considered taking it off… but where would I put it? Lmao. I had a great night, got back home to my closet and made up my mind to never wear one again. It just made more sense to invest the effort into getting my body back rather than experiencing the discomfort and mind games.

I have always been an advocate of loving the process. Looking in the mirror and loving where you are today while understanding that with very simple steps and effort you will get where you want to go. My little boy is 7 months now and even with my injured hip that has slowed down the process, the 60 lbs I gained in pregnancy is getting further away in my rare view each day(7lbs to go 😉 ) and I still have not longed for a girdle since! Fitness is too simple to be driving yourself mad over ways to hide what you don’t like. Trust me, you can do this!


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5 thoughts on “Girdle?

  1. Olori

    Women!! I saw this post on Facebook thinking it was going to be suggestions on better types and stuff. This post is a little condescending. Oga oh. Women!

    • Real_makkoy Post author

      Hello Olori!
      Thanks for reading the blog. It’s a bummer that it came off as condescending to you.It was a light-hearted post to share my personal experience and not intended to make anyone uncomfortable. I hate that it made you feel that way. Please feel free to reach out to me and we can chat about it. Thanks



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