Author: Makkoy
From the second I knew we were expecting, I was obsessed with finding information so I talked to people and read articles day after day and week after week that told me what to expect and how to feel. It was really helpful since I was totally clueless but somewhere Read More →
The idea of Normal
Truthfully, whenever I thought about a baby, I just thought… Stress, no spontaneous travel, no Saturday morning sleep and geez, killer of fabulous abs. lol I mean honestly, I was sure they were “precious” but let’s be real, they were just going to screw up the awesomeness you had going Read More →
I’ve spent the so much of my time obsessing about the fact that we really do have complete control of our bodies. It’s so amazing how this sophisticated piece of machinery has the simplest principles that it follows. I have absolutely enjoyed helping so many on their fitness journeys and Read More →
The Charger Killer
Hubby had just gotten back from work. He said hello then went to the room to go change. I was on my computer trying to get some work done when I heard him call for me sounding so bummed out and upset “Babee!”. I walked into the room and met Read More →
How to begin your fitness journey- The very first step
So many people find themselves putting in so much effort but see barely any results. It can be so frustrating and most times causes them to quit. But there is good news… How? Because it means they are willing to do the work but they are just doing it wrong. The body Read More →