When Can I Cheat?

I was lying in bed when the text came in. Too lazy to reach for my phone, I got excited as I thought through who the message could be from. Took a few minutes but overwhelmed with curiosity and killed by the suspense, I finally went to get my phone and saw that message “So when can I cheat”


It was a message from one of my awesome Makkoy clients. She was starting her second week of the Ignition program so her goal was to lose weight, get fit and most importantly understand how her body works so that she could build a sustainable lifestyle. I read it over “So when can I cheat” and I just loved it because these are the questions that make being a lifestyle coach oh so worth it.

See, when most people embark on their fitness journey, it suddenly becomes the beginning of endless rules. So to reach their fitness goals, they jump through hoops based on their assumption of what is right. It’s like “oh I want to lose weight so I’ll just cut out the carbs, go high protein, absolutely no food after 8 pm,  gym 7 days a week, buy protein shakes and eat veggies with every meal” It sounds so noble and genuinely they feel proud when they follow through but what happens when real life happens?

My response was simple.” Hey hun, you should never need to cheat. You are not on a diet so if you want it, you can eat it”. I know what you’re thinking, wouldn’t that be nice. if that was true, then won’t everyone just be fit and happy. I mean, eat a cow and still wake up looking like Angelina Jolie.lol. Seriously, wouldn’t that be awesome! But here is where the difference lies… I continued “I say that to say that what your body needs is different from what your mind wants. So as we continue the program, understanding how your body works causes you to make better choices for it. So though I will never make you cut any foods out and even though you know can eat anything if you wanted to… Soon, you  will realize you don’t need to and you will make small changes that make sense to you”

She responded “That makes perfect sense, Moren” We went back and forth a little longer and by the end of our chat, she was excited and good to go. But I knew our chat would only be encouraging words until she experienced it on her own which is the coolest thing about the program.

2 weeks later she said to me “Wow Moren, it just makes sense. All the changes I have made just makes sense!” She went on to share her “aha” moments and how her new understanding of her body shifted her choices with no stress.  My soul smiled. There is nothing more awesome than having complete control of your fitness. So when can you cheat? Well you should never have to because you never need to be on a diet. Learn how your body REALLY works and only make changes that make sense to you. That way, you never feel deprived of anything. And well, the day you want that piece of cake, you can have it! Need help on your journey? Contact us and we’ll love to have you on board. Have a wonderful day!

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