From Home With Love

Cooking your meals give so much control over what you are putting in your body. From home with love is all about enjoying great meals made right at home for you and your family. Find test food time table with calorie counts for meals and more!

To start from home with love, I made a food time table which was not so tough since I used meals that I usually eat. The challenging part was creating the calorie count table for the ingredients I planned to use for each meal. It was nice to put in the work that Sunday night and not worry about it. The only thing I did during the week was adjust the ingredient quanties for Ife. My calorie goal is 1500 and Ife’s is about 1900.

The food time table was the plan I had made for me, The calorie counts tables following where the actuals during the week. Some meals changed just because we felt like it. :).You’ll notice that some days were either a little more or less than the target. The calorie counts are estimates from myfitness pal and on the days that we were too low, I added something extra but this was the skeleton for the week.

Since the FHWL week, I have continued to cook more at home but the schedule has been more flexible. I now eat home cooked meals majority of the time and the most exciting thing has been finishing food! lol. I was so hyped when I finished a pack of turkey bacon.. finished all the white rice I cooked(used some for fried rice), and threw out an empty bag of grapes. I can keep going but all of those would usually have ended up in the trash! Feel free to try any of these but make it yours. Think of what makes the most sense for you and tweak it accordingly. Enjoy

Food Time Table- Click for full pictureActual Food time table

Moren’s (Wife) Calorie Count- Click for full picture

Food time table calorie count pic

Ife’s (Hubby) Calorie Count– Click for full picture