My Fitness, My Rules

That evening, I really didn’t feel like working out. I thought about it a couple times but I kept procrastinating. See I don’t have a workout schedule, I just know my goal for the week and as long as I hit it then it really doesn’t matter when or how. It was time for me to take a shower when I decided I wanted to treat my skin and put a liquid facial mask on. I was waiting for it to dry so I stood around in the bathroom and soon enough, I began my little performance in front of the mirror: Singing my lungs out and dancing away. haha

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I could have sworn I sounded like queen B… but hubby in the room, was probably praying it would stop. By the time I was bored, the thing on my face still wasn’t dry, so I decided to put on some music… then the thought crossed my mind “How about 15 reps of squats” As quickly as I thought it, I almost dismissed it but I gave it another thought.

I was already dancing to the music so I decided to do my squats to the beat. I hit 15 then thought “well, since I already started, let’s make it worth something” So I got on all fours and started 15 reps of leg and arm extensions and then finished it off with a 30 second plank

Arm and Leg Extensions


So 1 set down… 2 to go. I was feeling pretty good but, ugh 2 more? “Let’s just do it” I convinced myself… Squats-> Leg and arm extensions -> Plank… I felt like quitting, but talked myself into it again and completed the last set. It seemed so simple but my muscles could tell I had just put it work. I had started sweating a bit, My arms were a little wobbly and my feet weren’t sure they could support my weight but I felt super amazing: ahh, the healthy ache 🙂

With whatever energy I had left in me, I continued dancing and then I eventually hopped in the shower. As I stood there, I realized this all started cause I was trying to get my mask to dry, and at this point my mask was irrelevant and my workout session was complete.

See, people think their workout sessions need to be super dramatic but it really doesn’t need to be.  You could be watching some tv, waiting for your meal on the stove or just chilling with your kids. As long as you understand what you need to accomplish and why, the extras are just a distraction and you can get an effective workout in. See, it’s my fitness in question so I play by my own rules… My Fitness, My Rules!.. and understanding my body sets me up to win every time! Let’s Do this!

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