My Scale Is Such A Liar

“Girl I have not been on the scale in months! I’ve been working out 6 days a week and I feel amazing. What! Don’t try me” I couldn’t get my girlfriend to stop as she went on and on about how kick ass her workout routine had been. I listened cause it seemed like the right thing to do. Haha Eventually I got a chance to speak so I asked “Well, why haven’t you been on the scale in so long?”


“The scale is such a liar! As hard as I have worked, the silly thing has given me nothing to show for it so I have just kicked it to the curb” As she explained it, I could tell she was a little upset about it but had come to terms with it. I mean, she had every reason to be bummed out. How could she cycle an hour a day, burning 1000 calories each time and not see any results?? Ugh, Danm that scale!

I smiled, I was almost positive I knew what the issue was but I probed a little more… So how has your food been? “Girl! I’ve been on it! 1200 calories a day! Salads, organic sandwiches, water… Whaat!” So help understand love… You are eating 1200 calories/day, burning 1000 calories 6/days a week… So your body is using 200 calories to breathe, walk, talk and for everything else it needs to accomplish?

“Ohhhhhh”! She exclaimed… “Hmm”. So I continued… “You see, your body will go into starvation mode if it’s not getting enough food. And when that happens, you have absolutely no control of the number on the scale. I know burning a 1000 calories from working out sounds like a noble cause but you need to be sure your body has enough fuel to function as it should. So it’s simple… Increase your food intake or reduce the frequency of your workout.

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She couldn’t believe I just suggested working out less. There is nothing more annoying than working so hard and seeing no results, but when you understands how your body interprets your decisions, fitness becomes truly simple and the frustration is non existent. So focus on putting your efforts in the right places and watch your results pile on! Who’s in?


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  1. Pingback: How To Eat It All with No Exercise and Still Lose Weight - Makkoy Fitness

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