F The Dentist!

There I was, near lifeless, I could feel my feet and my hands but I wasn’t sure what was going on anywhere else. Unaware, I was peaceful and oh so happy with my eyes closed and mouth open as they worked on my teeth. I kept coming up with these Read More →


Hubby turned 30 earlier this month, and a trip to Costa Rica was the first part to his celebration, or better yet his way to butter me up for what he really wanted – a huge party. Lol. So his party was themed Live at 30. We had awesome musicians Read More →

What on earth are you doing??!!

As I typed the title, I thought “that sounds so wrong” but it really is that serious. Don’t wait till a bad doctors visit or you’re experiencing terriblesymtoms. Sometimes we think it can only happen to everyone but us… but most people that get diagnosed don’t see it coming. Your health is so Read More →