Super Bowl Cleanse

As of November last year, I was in the habit of not buying stuff I really didn’t want to eat. My groceries were simple and straight to the point… A good variety for easy home cooked meals, fruits, vegetables and healthier snacking options I loved. You should know that it took time for me to get to that point; I didn’t just wake up one morning and change everything; instead as I learned how my body works and made changes as they made sense to me.

Recently, I noticed many of the things I stopped buying in the past had resurfaced in my house and it was tough to ignore when I had a craving. Some of them made it through because we had the family over for the holidays while others came through because of the fast- when we decided since we could afford the calories since we were not eating much. Turns out, the things that are not so great for you are not great for you no matter the situation.

junk food

One morning this week, I decided to get rid of everything. Usually I preach, don’t buy what you don’t want to eat but at this point, it was a little late. They were all right there in the fridge and pantry so I did a walk through and gathered everything from sodas and juices to candies and chocolate spreads. I sat them all on the counter and wondered what to do with them. The easiest option was the trash but I did not want to waste them… Then I thought about donating them, but felt like if I was donating food, I should do better than junk food. I was stumped :-/

I left them there and went to get my day started. I was in the bathroom, when Ife asked me “What are you doing with the stuff on the counter”… I was hesitant and didn’t quite have an answer so he continued “Why don’t we take them to the Super Bowl party this weekend?”. I got so excited “Omg! Genius! I’m going to call it the Super Bowl Cleanse!” Haha

It was perfect. We would kill 2 birds with one stone, get the stuff out of the house AND not waste it. Truth is, it almost sounds wrong. Kinda like “oh, you don’t want to eat it but you want other people to?” But everyone’s journey is very personal and the reality is that not everyone is at the same point that you are, so don’t act or feel like it. It really is a better deal for 10 people to share that bottle of soda than for you alone to tackle it and to share that oversized bag of Hersheys with a group rather than go at it alone.


So hey, are you going to a Super Bowl party? Some get together? Or anywhere with other people to share your food? If you are having the same dilemma I had, take your goodies with you! I bet they would appreciate it, and you remove the temptations staring you in the face. Have a lovely weekend and remember it’s always about a lifestyle change, not crash diet! Let’s do this!

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2 thoughts on “Super Bowl Cleanse

  1. Folake aina

    That is so true . Also thanks for working on your page and making it easier to leave a message or contribute. It used to be so Herculean .


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