A Banana Ruined Me

It was after a long day’s work. I was happy that I got so much done for work and now I was starving. The plan was to get some food then get my nails done. My nails were desperate and I refuse to describe them any further as you may judge me more than I can bear. Lol

I was headed to a nail salon that had awesome reviews on yelp but just before I got to it, all my stars line up! I looked to my right and there was a corner bakery, I absolutely love their mac and cheese and right next door was a nail salon. I parked in front but before I got out of the car, I pulled out My fitness pal app to log my calories and see where I was at.


Breakfast.. I had rice, chicken and stew -476 calories. Lmao! Don’t judge me! In my defense, it was 11:00am so it was almost time for lunch. That’s my story and I’m sticking to it! haha. Then I looked up the mac and cheese I wanted-650. My heart sunk. I loved the mac and cheese but not 650 cals much… So I walked in and tried to figure out how I could make this work. Eventually I decided to do a combo-A half BLT sandwich, and a cup of mac and cheese- 430 calories. I was excited, I got my mac n cheese and I still had 350 calories left  for dinner.

In the evening, just as I started thinking about what to eat, I remembered this banana I ate first thing in the morning. I have gotten much better with knowing the calorie counts for the things I eat often… A banana is not one of them so I looked it up. At most I figured it would be 70 but it really was 110 calories. whaaaat! I almost started crying. So now I had only 240 calories for dinner??  Bummed out, I grabbed a protein bar -190 calories and called it a day.

I wish! 2 hours later I was hungry again so I gave in, I had plantains  with some stewed chicken. I ended up being 250 calories over. As I recount my day, I recognize there were so many points that I could have made better choices and may be it was not all the poor bananas fault. I really didn’t need such a heavy breakfast and… a protein bar? Who was I kidding. Do you realize that if I just had the plantains first I would only be 60 over?


Most days are not like this for me but wanted to shed some light on this because these are some of the challenges we face on our journey. It should not be so stressful especially when you are aware of your choices throughout the day. Try not to underestimate any foods, the rule of thumb is ALWAYS verify the calorie counts. It is not a diet but I understand that to keep seeing the results I want and make my efforts count, I need to burn more than I eat. That reasoning allows me to brush it off and make today worth it. Lifestyle change, not crash diet. Let’s do this!

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